A progress report: first photo is of me at work. I cut the stencils from tagboard, and painted, using spray paint, fluid paint and acrylic markers. Unfortunately for me, the City of Eugene felt the design looked similar to traffic signals which could be confusing for drivers so I had to repaint the entire box, which is now the black box. Yes, it did state in the prospectus certain imagery that could not be used. But frankly I didn’t think of traffic signals…

Lesson learned: do exactly what you have submitted!

The community has been wonderfully supportive with positive comments. I hope they all know how good they make me feel. Many, many thanks to the folks who have brought me cold and hot beverages. Especially the woman in the red car on High Street that stopped by with a Raspberry Lemonade from Dutch Bros.

Working has been a challenge as the weather is in the mid 90s. So I’ve been trying to start working early as in 6-7 am and can only do so until early afternoon. The acrylic paints are not fond of hot weather, either.

With one week to go I hope I finish all 5 boxes in time for the Art Walk on August 2nd.

Cool weather would really help……